Don't worry, Be Happy
The above Documentary "My Meherazad Boys" by Sachin Singh and Robert Fredricks focuses on stories narrated by three men: Madhav V. Kamble, Bapu N Dete, Laxman Bhonde who served at Meherazad, looking after Avatar Meher Baba and His Mandali.
They were also responsible for carrying Baba on His chair after the Satara accident.
Unfortunately, the fourth man, Shankar who was also detailed for carrying Baba, passed away a few years ago, which made it even more imperative that stories of those who were in close proximity with Baba must be recorded and shared.
The film is interspersed with 1960s archival footages of Baba and the Mandali at Meherazad with the "Meherazad Boys" lending delightful context to certain incidents when narrated by them.
An engaging watch for those seeking a deeper insight into the time surrounding Avatar Meher Baba's life and rhythm at Meherazad.
AvataR Meher Baba's Video Gallery
Hi dear Baba lovers,
How unique it is, that along with many historic firsts in this Avataric advent, we have songs composed by the Avatar Himself! The other day I got inspired to create a 6 1/2 minute video featuring the beautiful haunting melody of SEVEN NAMES OF GOD instrumentally, followed by the women mandali singing it in the Tomb.
In 1940, Baba told the women that when they sang these names wholeheartedly, remembering the names are ONE, they helped HIM. So I truly believe we at least help ourselves when we sing along, because we are remembering Him! And only Baba knows, maybe we help lift the whole world a little, too. It is His work and He alone knows.
How can we keep from singing?
Debbie Nordeen